The PocketPro Blog | PocketPro: Company updates
Growing A Startup During A Global Pandemic

PocketPro has been our passion for the last year, and every step we have taken in that growth has been new and fun and exciting. We knew the inherent risks of running a startup, especially in a crowded space like the Everyday Carry industry, but we were fearless.
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PocketPro Update - February 2020

As expected, things have slowed down just a little bit since Holiday shopping came to a close. As such, we’ve have some time to catch up on projects we had to put off due to the Holiday demand. Read on to learn about our new projects in the works!
PocketPro Update - December 2019

It's the best time of the year, and lot is happening here at PocketPro! Most of it has to do with holiday sales, new products, and new designs. Read to learn about what's new here a PocketPro.
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PocketPro Update - October 2019

We've been super busy during the last few months as we grow the PocketPro brand! Here is a small update on what has happened and what to look forward to in the coming months!
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