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How Did PocketPro Begin?

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It Started With A Rocket Scientist

It’s not too often that you run into a rocket scientist with a doctorate and a lot of entrepreneurial chutzpah. Those things just don’t make sense together. But that’s exactly who Aaron Astle is. The story of PocketPro is really Aaron’s story.

Years ago, Aaron was running an engineering company, making products for large organizations like Apple and NASA. He had poured 12 years of his life into creating one of the only companies in the world that builds micro-welders, and business was good. His tiny engineering company had grown into a quiet giant.

Lots of Doors Equals Lots of Keys

As business started to increase, more space was needed to accommodate the growth. So, Aaron bought the neighboring unit in his office building and moved half of the office into it. After outgrowing the two units, he added another. Then another. And another. After 12 years, Aaron’s company had grown to occupy more than half of the building where they began. So, what does this have to do with key organizers?

Well, after taking over 5 office spaces in 12 years, Aaron started to accumulate a lot of keys. His key ring was big, loud, and ridiculously difficult to organize. He had a jingle in his step everywhere he went – but not the cute and happy kind. I’m talking about a clanging, banging metal jingle in every step. A where-is-that-noise-coming-from step. A it’s-not-Christmas-yet-so-stop-your-jingling step. In short, his key ring was obnoxious.

After working with high-speed CNC equipment his whole career, Aaron figured he could manufacture something that could do a better job than his noisy key ring.

A Fresh Start

As is normal for most serial entrepreneurs, Aaron was antsy to start another business. After all, 12 years is a long time with one venture. So, he dropped everything, sold his engineering company, and started over. This time, with a mission to improve how people carry their keys. The rest, as they say, is history.

PocketPro. We make dope key organizers, and we’re unapologetically proud of it.